Snack Club is four friends getting together ~once a week to rate snacks. This the is (first ever) data analysis of snack scores given in 2023.
Snacks are from subscription service, Snack Crate.
The goofy presentation for a subset of these results can be found here (Google Drive link).
import glob
data_files = glob.glob("./input/*.csv")
['./input/2023 data pre-processing - J.csv', './input/2023 data pre-processing - E.csv', './input/2023 data pre-processing - C.csv', './input/2023 data pre-processing - A.csv']
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.precision', 2)
df_list = []
for fn in data_files:
df = pd.read_csv(fn)
df['Member'] = fn[-5]
df = pd.concat(df_list)
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%m/%d/%Y')
df = df.sort_values(['Date', 'Country'])
df = df.set_index(['Date','Country','Snack','Member'])
# Identify missing scores
import numpy as np
print('Any null values?')
print('Any non-numeric values?')
Any null values?
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | ||||
Date | Country | Snack | Member |
Any non-numeric values?
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | ||||
Date | Country | Snack | Member |
# Overall Score
df['Overall Score'] = df.mean(axis=1)
# Stats overall
print('2023 Snack Club Statistics!')
print('Snacks rated:', df.reset_index()['Snack'].value_counts().count())
print('Countries / snack crates #:', df.reset_index()['Country'].value_counts().count())
print('Countries / snack crates:', df.reset_index()['Country'].value_counts().index.values)
print('Snack scores, total given:', df.count().sum())
2023 Snack Club Statistics! Snacks rated: 147 Countries / snack crates #: 14 Countries / snack crates: ['Thailand' 'Colombia' 'United Kingdom' 'Italy' 'Greece' 'Belgium' 'Ireland' 'India' 'China' 'Korea' 'Spain' 'Canada' 'America-Vegas-Special' 'Caribbean'] Snack scores, total given: 2940
# display(df.agg(['idxmax','idxmin']))
idx = pd.IndexSlice
# Stats Members
display('Stats by Member')
df_stats_members = df.groupby(['Member']).agg(['min','max','mean','median','std','idxmax','idxmin'])
display(df_stats_members.loc[:, idx[:, ['min','max']]])
display(df_stats_members.loc[:, idx[:, ['mean','median','std']]])
# display(df_stats_members.loc[:, idx[:, ['idxmax','idxmin']]])
display(df_stats_members.loc[:, idx[:, ['mean']]].agg(['idxmax','idxmin']))
display(df_stats_members.loc[:, idx[:, ['std']]].agg(['idxmax','idxmin']))
'Stats by Member'
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | ||||||
min | max | min | max | min | max | min | max | min | max | |
Member | ||||||||||
A | 1.75 | 5.0 | 1.5 | 4.8 | 1.5 | 4.75 | 1.0 | 5.0 | 1.75 | 4.55 |
C | 1.50 | 5.0 | 1.5 | 5.0 | 1.0 | 4.50 | 1.0 | 5.0 | 1.88 | 4.50 |
E | 1.50 | 5.0 | 1.0 | 5.0 | 1.2 | 5.00 | 1.0 | 4.7 | 1.62 | 4.45 |
J | 1.50 | 5.0 | 1.0 | 5.0 | 1.0 | 5.00 | 1.0 | 5.0 | 1.50 | 4.62 |
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | |||||||||||
mean | median | std | mean | median | std | mean | median | std | mean | median | std | mean | median | std | |
Member | |||||||||||||||
A | 3.32 | 3.4 | 0.79 | 3.16 | 3.0 | 0.73 | 3.55 | 3.75 | 0.74 | 3.38 | 3.5 | 0.82 | 3.35 | 3.38 | 0.53 |
C | 3.47 | 3.5 | 0.73 | 3.31 | 3.5 | 0.73 | 3.48 | 3.50 | 0.78 | 3.52 | 3.5 | 0.78 | 3.44 | 3.50 | 0.50 |
E | 3.26 | 3.3 | 0.73 | 2.96 | 3.0 | 0.88 | 3.37 | 3.50 | 0.83 | 3.24 | 3.4 | 0.84 | 3.21 | 3.25 | 0.56 |
J | 3.18 | 3.0 | 0.84 | 3.12 | 3.0 | 0.79 | 3.14 | 3.00 | 0.92 | 3.28 | 3.5 | 0.81 | 3.18 | 3.25 | 0.56 |
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | |
mean | mean | mean | mean | mean | |
idxmax | C | C | A | C | C |
idxmin | J | E | J | E | J |
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | |
std | std | std | std | std | |
idxmax | J | E | J | E | J |
idxmin | E | C | A | C | C |
# # Stats Snacks
display('Stats by Snack')
df_stats_snacks = df.groupby(['Snack']).agg(['min','max','mean','median','std'])
idx = pd.IndexSlice
df_ss_mean = df_stats_snacks.loc[:, idx[:, ['mean']]].droplevel(level=1,axis='columns').sort_values(by=['Taste','Overall Score','Texture'],ascending=False)
df_ss_mm = df_stats_snacks.loc[:, idx[:, ['mean','median','std']]]
display(df_ss_mm.agg(['idxmax','idxmin'])) # only returns first instance
'Stats by Snack'
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | |
Snack | |||||
Keogh's Shamrock and Sour Cream Chips | 4.69 | 4.20 | 4.62 | 4.05 | 4.39 |
Prele-G Gold Biscuits | 2.25 | 4.38 | 4.62 | 4.00 | 3.81 |
Hi-Chew Grapefruit | 4.40 | 3.70 | 4.50 | 4.14 | 4.18 |
Salati Preziosi Parika chips | 3.92 | 3.25 | 4.50 | 3.50 | 3.79 |
Smiths Scampi Flavor fries | 2.75 | 4.06 | 4.42 | 4.00 | 3.81 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Lotte Choco Pie | 2.42 | 2.75 | 2.08 | 2.05 | 2.33 |
Choclitos Limon chips | 2.75 | 3.20 | 2.05 | 3.38 | 2.84 |
Kerr's Toffee candy | 3.00 | 1.62 | 2.00 | 1.82 | 2.11 |
Haitai Apple French Pie | 3.12 | 1.88 | 1.64 | 1.50 | 2.03 |
Sherbert fountain | 3.00 | 1.25 | 1.38 | 1.12 | 1.69 |
147 rows × 5 columns
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | |||||||||||
mean | median | std | mean | median | std | mean | median | std | mean | median | std | mean | median | std | |
idxmax | Hard MtnbDew Baja Blast Zero Sugar | Hard MtnbDew Baja Blast Zero Sugar | Chips Ahoy Cranberry | Soejun Yang Jelly "cat paws" | Soejun Yang Jelly "cat paws" | Tronky Nocciola | Keogh's Shamrock and Sour Cream Chips | Keogh's Shamrock and Sour Cream Chips | Big Roll Seaweed | Cote D'OR chocolate | Cote D'OR chocolate | Millions strawberry fruit candy | Soejun Yang Jelly "cat paws" | Soejun Yang Jelly "cat paws" | Pororo Straw Type Jelly |
idxmin | Hula Hoops Puft Grilled Beef | Hula Hoops Puft Grilled Beef | Caffrey's Big Time Chocolate Caramel Bar | Sherbert fountain | Sherbert fountain | 5050 Maska Chaska | Sherbert fountain | Sherbert fountain | Hi-Chew Grapefruit | Lotte Custard Cake | Lotte Custard Cake | Bear Paws Pattes d'ours | Sherbert fountain | Sherbert fountain | Koh Kae Coconut Cream Peanuts |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df_mean = df_stats_snacks.loc[:, idx[:, ['mean']]]
df_mean.columns = df_mean.columns.droplevel(1)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(5,1,figsize=(3,18))
keys = [x for x in df_mean.columns] # preserves order
targets = zip(keys, axs.flatten())
fig.suptitle('Snack Club 2023 Best & Worst Snacks', fontsize=24)
fig.supylabel('Snacks',x=-1.4,ha='left', fontsize=18)
fig.supxlabel('Average Score', fontsize=18)
colors = {'Packaging':'blue',
'Overall Score': 'cyan'}
by_label = {}
for i, (key, ax) in enumerate(targets):
df_topfive = df_mean[key].sort_values(ascending=False)[0:5].sort_values()
df_lowfive = df_mean[key].sort_values()[0:5].sort_values()
df_low_top = pd.concat([df_topfive, pd.Series(['~',0]), df_lowfive])
ax.set_title(f"{key}", fontsize=14,pad=10)
snacks = df_lowfive.index.values
scores = df_lowfive.values
color = 'red'
ax.barh(snacks, scores,
ax.barh(['~~~'], [0],height=0.0)
snacks = df_topfive.index.values
scores = df_topfive.values
color = 'green'
ax.barh(snacks, scores,
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.93,bottom=0.05,hspace = 0.3, wspace = 0.1)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df_std = df_stats_snacks.loc[:, idx[:, ['std']]]
df_std.columns = df_std.columns.droplevel(1)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(5,1,figsize=(3,18))
keys = [x for x in df_std.columns] # preserves order
targets = zip(keys, axs.flatten())
fig.suptitle('Snack Club 2023 Lest and Most Controversial Snacks', fontsize=24)
fig.supylabel('Snacks',x=-1.4,ha='left', fontsize=18)
fig.supxlabel('Score Standard Deviation', fontsize=18)
colors = {'Packaging':'blue',
'Overall Score': 'cyan'}
by_label = {}
for i, (key, ax) in enumerate(targets):
df_topfive = df_std[key].sort_values(ascending=False)[0:10].sort_values()
df_lowfive = df_std[key].sort_values()[0:10].sort_values()
df_low_top = pd.concat([df_topfive, pd.Series(['~',0]), df_lowfive])
ax.set_title(f"{key}", fontsize=14,pad=10)
snacks = df_lowfive.index.values
scores = df_lowfive.values
color = 'red'
ax.barh(snacks, scores,
ax.barh(['~~~'], [0],height=0.0)
snacks = df_topfive.index.values
scores = df_topfive.values
color = 'green'
ax.barh(snacks, scores,
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.93,bottom=0.05,hspace = 0.3, wspace = 0.1)
Save these figures to pictures because they are so large.
df_stacked = df.stack().reset_index().rename(columns={'level_4':'Category',
0 : 'Score'})
df_stacked = df_stacked.set_index(['Date','Country','Snack',
grouped = df_stacked.groupby(['Member','Category'],sort=False)
keys = [x for (x,y) in grouped] # preserves order
members = [k[0] for k in keys]
# categories = [k[1] for k in keys]
categories = ['Overall Score','Taste','Texture','Presentation','Packaging']
for i, memb in enumerate(members):
fig, axs = plt.subplots(5,1,figsize=(4,24))
targets = zip(categories, axs.flatten())
fig.suptitle(f'Snack Club 2023 Best & Worst Snacks - Member {memb}', fontsize=24)
fig.supylabel('Snacks',x=-0.3,ha='left', fontsize=18)
fig.supxlabel('Score', fontsize=18)
by_label = {}
for j, (cat,ax) in enumerate(targets):
idx = pd.IndexSlice
df_f = df_stacked.loc[idx[:, :, :, memb, cat]]
df_top = df_f['Score'].sort_values(ascending=False)[0:10].sort_values()
df_low = df_f['Score'].sort_values()[0:10].sort_values()
# df_low_top = pd.concat([df_top, pd.Series(['~',0]), df_low])
# display(df_low_top)
ax.set_title(f"{memb} - {cat}", fontsize=14,pad=10)
snacks = [x[2] for x in df_low.index.values]
scores = df_low.values
color = 'red'
ax.barh(snacks, scores,
ax.barh(['~~~'], [0],height=0.0)
snacks = [x[2] for x in df_top.index.values]
scores = df_top.values
color = 'green'
ax.barh(snacks, scores,
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.93,bottom=0.05,hspace = 0.3, wspace = 0.2)
# # Stats Country
display('Stats by Country')
df_stats_country = df.groupby(['Country']).agg(['min','max','mean','median','std'])
idx = pd.IndexSlice
# display(df_stacked.droplevel(['Member','Category','Date']).reset_index().drop(columns='Score').set_index())
df_sc = df_stats_country.loc[:, idx[:, ['mean','std']]].copy()
# better way to get count of countries? lol
c_count = df_stacked.reset_index()[['Country','Snack']].drop_duplicates().set_index(['Country']).groupby(['Country']).agg(['count'])
# df_sc[('','count')] = c_count
df_sc = pd.concat([df_sc,c_count], axis=1)
'Stats by Country'
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | Snack | ||||||
mean | std | mean | std | mean | std | mean | std | mean | std | count | |
Country | |||||||||||
Caribbean | 3.18 | 0.73 | 2.82 | 0.42 | 3.73 | 0.56 | 3.72 | 0.58 | 3.36 | 0.33 | 4 |
Thailand | 3.60 | 0.75 | 2.86 | 0.59 | 3.56 | 0.89 | 3.42 | 0.70 | 3.36 | 0.46 | 16 |
Belgium | 2.89 | 0.75 | 3.42 | 0.58 | 3.54 | 0.80 | 3.62 | 0.81 | 3.37 | 0.46 | 11 |
China | 3.89 | 0.57 | 3.29 | 0.85 | 3.51 | 0.76 | 3.40 | 0.79 | 3.52 | 0.54 | 11 |
America-Vegas-Special | 3.81 | 0.85 | 3.75 | 0.48 | 3.46 | 0.80 | 3.59 | 0.38 | 3.65 | 0.30 | 4 |
Ireland | 3.45 | 0.78 | 3.15 | 0.79 | 3.45 | 0.89 | 3.35 | 0.78 | 3.35 | 0.61 | 11 |
Italy | 3.12 | 0.59 | 3.25 | 0.96 | 3.43 | 0.69 | 3.45 | 0.85 | 3.31 | 0.64 | 12 |
Spain | 2.83 | 0.78 | 3.07 | 0.68 | 3.39 | 0.75 | 3.49 | 0.68 | 3.19 | 0.52 | 10 |
India | 3.11 | 0.79 | 2.94 | 0.81 | 3.38 | 0.91 | 3.31 | 0.39 | 3.19 | 0.38 | 11 |
Canada | 3.33 | 0.72 | 3.39 | 0.90 | 3.36 | 0.93 | 3.22 | 0.87 | 3.33 | 0.64 | 9 |
Colombia | 3.26 | 0.60 | 2.96 | 0.56 | 3.34 | 0.69 | 3.35 | 0.78 | 3.23 | 0.40 | 14 |
Greece | 3.18 | 0.77 | 3.46 | 0.56 | 3.26 | 0.84 | 3.42 | 0.67 | 3.33 | 0.41 | 12 |
Korea | 3.40 | 0.89 | 3.02 | 1.01 | 3.22 | 0.86 | 2.83 | 1.11 | 3.12 | 0.78 | 10 |
United Kingdom | 3.33 | 0.77 | 2.91 | 1.00 | 2.94 | 0.95 | 3.07 | 1.15 | 3.06 | 0.71 | 12 |
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | Snack | ||||||
mean | std | mean | std | mean | std | mean | std | mean | std | count | |
idxmax | China | Korea | America-Vegas-Special | Korea | Caribbean | United Kingdom | Caribbean | United Kingdom | America-Vegas-Special | Korea | Thailand |
idxmin | Spain | China | Caribbean | Caribbean | United Kingdom | Caribbean | Korea | America-Vegas-Special | United Kingdom | America-Vegas-Special | America-Vegas-Special |
df_stats_cs = df.groupby(['Country','Snack']).agg(['mean'])
idx = pd.IndexSlice
df_scs = df_stats_cs.loc[:, idx[:, ['mean']]]
display('Best Snacks By Country (Average Score)')
display(df_scs.groupby('Country').agg(['idxmax']).applymap(lambda x: x[1]).droplevel(axis='columns',level=[2,1]))
display('Worst Snacks By Country (Average Score)')
display(df_scs.groupby('Country').agg(['idxmin']).applymap(lambda x: x[1]).droplevel(axis='columns',level=[2,1]))
'Best Snacks By Country (Average Score)'
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | |
Country | |||||
America-Vegas-Special | Hard MtnbDew Baja Blast Zero Sugar | Hard MtnbDew Baja Blast Zero Sugar | Rap Snacks Nikki Minaj Salt & Vinegar & Trufflesl | Rap Snacks Lily Baby "All In" Flavor Salt & Vi... | Hard MtnbDew Baja Blast Zero Sugar |
Belgium | Lotus Biscoff with Belgium Choclate | Cote D'OR chocolate | Cote D'OR chocolate | Cote D'OR chocolate | Cote D'OR chocolate |
Canada | Old Dutch Ketchup Flavored Potatoe Chips | KitKat Chunky (with french on it) | Humpty Dumpty Ringolos BBQ Flavor | Ruffles "All Dressed" | Humpty Dumpty Ringolos BBQ Flavor |
Caribbean | Ole Xtreme Rranch Tortilla Chips | Ole Xtreme Rranch Tortilla Chips | Tiki Gold Hazelnut | Tiki Gold Hazelnut | Tiki Gold Hazelnut |
China | Orion Peach Jelly Gummies | WantWant Honey Kissed Crunchy Rice Balls (bee ... | Hi-Chew Grapefruit | Chips Ahoy Cranberry | Hi-Chew Grapefruit |
Colombia | Jumbo Flow | Jumbo Rosca | Supercoco Choco Snacks | Chokis Chocolatoasas y Deliciosass | Jumbo Flow |
Greece | Derby Caramel Bar | Jumbo Vrikoles, cheese and tomoato | Kiss Strawberry milk chocolate strawberry bar | Kiss Strawberry milk chocolate strawberry bar | Derby Caramel Bar |
India | Waffy vanilla wafers | Prele-G Gold Biscuits | Prele-G Gold Biscuits | Prele-G Gold Biscuits | Prele-G Gold Biscuits |
Ireland | Keogh's Shamrock and Sour Cream Chips | Keogh's Shamrock and Sour Cream Chips | Keogh's Shamrock and Sour Cream Chips | Keogh's Shamrock and Sour Cream Chips | Keogh's Shamrock and Sour Cream Chips |
Italy | Salati Preziosi Parika chips | Giovanni Cova & C Crostatina albicocca (aprica... | Salati Preziosi Parika chips | Giovanni Cova & C Crostatina albicocca (aprica... | Giovanni Cova & C Crostatina albicocca (aprica... |
Korea | Soejun Yang Jelly "cat paws" | Soejun Yang Jelly "cat paws" | Soejun Yang Jelly "cat paws" | Soejun Yang Jelly "cat paws" | Soejun Yang Jelly "cat paws" |
Spain | el Valle Sabor Huevo Frito Fried Egg Taste | Dulcesol palmeritas | Dulcesol palmeritas | Dulcesol palmeritas | el Valle Sabor Huevo Frito Fried Egg Taste |
Thailand | Pocky Sumer Paradise Peach Lychee & Elderflower | Jack & Jill Cocont Crackers | Manora Fried Pumpkin Chips | Jack & Jill Cocont Crackers | Jack & Jill Cocont Crackers |
United Kingdom | Jaffa Cakes "The Original" | Rowntrees Random fruit snacks | Space Raiders Spicy | Cadbury crunchie chocolate bar | Space Raiders Spicy |
'Worst Snacks By Country (Average Score)'
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | Overall Score | |
Country | |||||
America-Vegas-Special | Rap Snacks Nikki Minaj Salt & Vinegar & Trufflesl | Rap Snacks Lily Baby "All In" Flavor Salt & Vi... | Rap Snacks Lily Baby "All In" Flavor Salt & Vi... | Hard MtnbDew Baja Blast Zero Sugar | Rap Snacks Lily Baby "All In" Flavor Salt & Vi... |
Belgium | Gicopa violet | Grefin(?) Eclair | DeliChoc Choco'Bar | DeliChoc Choco'Bar | DeliChoc Choco'Bar |
Canada | Coffee Crisp Double Double Chocolate Bar | Kerr's Toffee candy | Kerr's Toffee candy | Kerr's Toffee candy | Kerr's Toffee candy |
Caribbean | Tiki Gold Hazelnut | Jamaican Choice Spice Bun | Ole Xtreme Rranch Tortilla Chips | Cherry Berries | Jamaican Choice Spice Bun |
China | Oishi Orange Candy | Aji Oolong Peach Jelly | Oreo Oolong + Peach | Aji Oolong Peach Jelly | Aji Oolong Peach Jelly |
Colombia | Chokis Chocolatoasas y Deliciosass | Chokis Chocobase cookies | Choclitos Limon chips | Colombina Coffee Delight chewy candy | Choclitos Limon chips |
Greece | Kiss Strawberry milk chocolate strawberry bar | Derby Caramel Bar | Keraso Pitaki cherry pie | Keraso Pitaki cherry pie | Keraso Pitaki cherry pie |
India | 5050 Maska Chaska | Rola-a-cola "The solid cola" | Treat Burst Choco Fills | Cheetos Masala Balls | Treat Burst Choco Fills |
Ireland | Cadbury Snack! shortcake | Burts Guinness Thick Cut Hand Cooked Potato Chips | Caffrey's Big Time Chocolate Caramel Bar | Cleeves Original Toffee | Cleeves Original Toffee |
Italy | Buondi Motta Cioccolato cake | Buondi Motta Cioccolato cake | Buondi Motta Cioccolato cake | Buondi Motta Cioccolato cake | Buondi Motta Cioccolato cake |
Korea | Lotte Custard Cake | Haitai Apple French Pie | Haitai Apple French Pie | Lotte Custard Cake | Haitai Apple French Pie |
Spain | nocilla sin chocoleche dip sticks | Palotes damel sabor fresa | Fini Gourmet Red liqurice srawberry | Fini Gourmet Red liqurice srawberry | Palotes damel sabor fresa |
Thailand | Arnotts Stikko fingers chocolate wafer sticks | Big Roll Seaweed | Black Pink "venom cream" (Strawberry) Oreos | Big Roll Seaweed | Lush chocolate chewy candy |
United Kingdom | Hula Hoops Puft Grilled Beef | Sherbert fountain | Sherbert fountain | Sherbert fountain | Sherbert fountain |
df_stacked = df.stack().reset_index().rename(columns={'level_4':'Category',
0 : 'Score'})
df_stacked = df_stacked.set_index(['Date','Country','Snack',
# df_stacked = df_stacked.reindex(
# labels=['Packaging','Presentation','Taste',
# 'Texture','Overall Score'], level='Category')
df_stacked = df_stacked.drop(index='Overall Score',level='Category')
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4,4,figsize=(10,10))
groups1 = ['Member','Category']
groups2 = ['Category']
grouped = df_stacked.groupby(groups1,sort=False)
keys = [x for (x,y) in grouped] # preserves order
targets = zip(keys, axs.flatten())
fig.suptitle('Snack Club 2023 Score Spreads', fontsize=24)
fig.text(0.5,0.92,'Histogram, bin size = 0.5', va='center',ha='center', fontsize=18)
fig.supxlabel('Score (1.0-5.0)', fontsize=18)
fig.supylabel('Frequency', fontsize=18)
colors = {'Packaging':'blue',
by_label = {}
for i, (key, ax) in enumerate(targets):
j = i%4
category = key[1]
if i < 4:
ax.set_title(f"{category}", fontsize=18,
if j == 0:
ax.set_ylabel(f"{member}", rotation=0, fontsize=18,
color = colors[category]
dfg = grouped.get_group(key)
dfg = dfg.reset_index(drop=True)
dfg = dfg.reset_index()
# display(dfCategory)
avg = dfg.mean()[1]
counts, bins = np.histogram(dfg['Score'],range=(0,5.0))
ax.hist(bins[:-1], bins, weights=counts,
ax.axvline(x=avg, color='maroon', linestyle='--',
ax.text(avg-1, 44, f'{avg:.2f}', ha='left',color='maroon')
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
by_label.update(dict(zip(labels, handles))) # removes duplicate legends
order = [0,2,3,4,1]
lvals = [x for x in by_label.values()]
lvals = [lvals[idx] for idx in order]
kvals = [x for x in by_label.keys()]
kvals = [kvals[idx] for idx in order]
fig.legend(lvals,kvals , loc='upper right')
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85,bottom=0.1, hspace = 0.3, wspace = 0.3)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df_stacked = df.stack().reset_index().rename(columns={'level_4':'Category',
0 : 'Score'})
df_stacked = df_stacked.set_index(['Date','Country','Snack',
df_stacked = df_stacked.reindex(
'Texture','Overall Score'], level='Category')
df_stacked = df_stacked.drop(index='Overall Score',level='Category')
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4,4,figsize=(10,10))
groups1 = ['Member','Category']
groups2 = ['Category']
grouped = df_stacked.groupby(groups1,sort=False)
keys = [x for (x,y) in grouped] # preserves order
targets = zip(keys, axs.flatten())
fig.suptitle('Snack Club 2023 Score Spreads', fontsize=24)
fig.text(0.5,0.92,'Value Counts', va='center',ha='center', fontsize=18)
fig.supxlabel('Score (1.0-5.0)', fontsize=18)
fig.supylabel('Count', fontsize=18)
colors = {'Packaging':'blue',
by_label = {}
for i, (key, ax) in enumerate(targets):
j = i%4
category = key[1]
if i < 4:
ax.set_title(f"{category}", fontsize=18,
if j == 0:
ax.set_ylabel(f"{member}", rotation=0, fontsize=18,
dfg = grouped.get_group(key)
dfg = dfg.reset_index(drop=True)
avg = dfg['Score'].mean()
dfg = dfg.value_counts().reset_index()
dfg = dfg.rename(columns={0:'count'})
# display(dfCategory)
color = colors[category]['Score'],dfg['count'],
ax.axvline(x=avg, color='maroon', linestyle='--',
ax.text(avg-1, 45, f'{avg:.2f}', ha='left',color='maroon')
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
by_label.update(dict(zip(labels, handles))) # removes duplicate legends
order = [1,2,3,4,0]
lvals = [x for x in by_label.values()]
lvals = [lvals[idx] for idx in order]
kvals = [x for x in by_label.keys()]
kvals = [kvals[idx] for idx in order]
fig.legend(lvals,kvals , loc='upper right')
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85,bottom=0.1, hspace = 0.3, wspace = 0.3)
display('# Unique scores')
display(df_stacked.groupby('Member').apply(lambda x: x.value_counts().shape[0]).sort_values())
'# Unique scores'
Member C 9 J 9 A 33 E 33 dtype: int64
def custom_round(x, base=5):
return round(base * round(float(x)/base),2)
df_thresh = pd.DataFrame()
df_thresh['Score'] = df_stacked['Score']
df_thresh['Score Round 0.5'] = df_stacked['Score'].apply(lambda x: custom_round(x,base=0.5))
df_thresh['Score Rounded == 1'] = df_thresh[['Score Round 0.5']] == 1
# display(df_thresh.loc[df_thresh['Score Rounded == 1'] == True])
df_thresh['Score Rounded == 5'] = df_thresh[['Score Round 0.5']] == 5
df_thresh['Score Rounded < 3'] = df_thresh[['Score Round 0.5']] < 3
# display(df_thresh.loc[df_thresh['Score Rounded == 5'] == True])
# df_thresh['Score, around 2.5'] = (df_stacked[['Score']] > 2.25) & (df_stacked[['Score']] < 2.75)
# display(df_thresh)
for gs in [['Member'],['Category'],['Category','Member']]:
df_thresh_mc = pd.DataFrame()
df_thresh_mc['# Score'] = df_thresh['Score Rounded == 1'].groupby(gs).apply(lambda x: x.count())
df_thresh_mc['# Score Rounded == 1'] = df_thresh['Score Rounded == 1'].groupby(gs).apply(sum)
df_thresh_mc['# Score Rounded == 5'] = df_thresh['Score Rounded == 5'].groupby(gs).apply(sum)
df_thresh_mc['# Score Rounded < 3'] = df_thresh['Score Rounded < 3'].groupby(gs).apply(sum)
# Score | # Score Rounded == 1 | # Score Rounded == 5 | # Score Rounded < 3 | |
Member | ||||
A | 588 | 3 | 11 | 131 |
C | 588 | 3 | 8 | 108 |
E | 588 | 11 | 6 | 151 |
J | 588 | 6 | 10 | 168 |
# Score | # Score Rounded == 1 | # Score Rounded == 5 | # Score Rounded < 3 | |
Category | ||||
Packaging | 588 | 0 | 17 | 145 |
Presentation | 588 | 7 | 5 | 181 |
Taste | 588 | 6 | 4 | 122 |
Texture | 588 | 10 | 9 | 110 |
# Score | # Score Rounded == 1 | # Score Rounded == 5 | # Score Rounded < 3 | ||
Category | Member | ||||
Packaging | A | 147 | 0 | 5 | 36 |
C | 147 | 0 | 2 | 26 | |
E | 147 | 0 | 3 | 33 | |
J | 147 | 0 | 7 | 50 | |
Presentation | A | 147 | 0 | 2 | 45 |
C | 147 | 0 | 1 | 30 | |
E | 147 | 6 | 1 | 56 | |
J | 147 | 1 | 1 | 50 | |
Taste | A | 147 | 0 | 1 | 21 |
C | 147 | 1 | 0 | 28 | |
E | 147 | 1 | 2 | 32 | |
J | 147 | 4 | 1 | 41 | |
Texture | A | 147 | 3 | 3 | 29 |
C | 147 | 2 | 5 | 24 | |
E | 147 | 4 | 0 | 30 | |
J | 147 | 1 | 1 | 27 |
I could make this better by rounding all scores to nearest 0.5 interval.
import itertools
df_stacked = df_stacked.drop(index='Overall Score',level='Category')
df_m = df_stacked.unstack(level=-2)
df_m.columns = df_m.columns.droplevel()
# is there an easier way to do this? lol
combo = list(itertools.combinations(df_m.columns, 2))
for c in combo:
c_str = c[0] + c[1]
df_m[c_str] = abs(df_m[c[0]] - df_m[c[1]])
df_dif = df_m.drop(columns=['A','C','E','J'])
# by category
df_dif_mean = df_dif.groupby('Category').mean()
# All scores
df_dif_mean_all = df_dif.mean().to_frame().T
df_dif_mean_all = df_dif_mean_all.rename(columns={0:'Average Difference, All Scores'})
df_dif_mean_all = pd.concat([df_dif_mean, df_dif_mean_all])
df_dif_mean_all = df_dif_mean_all.rename({0 : 'All Scores'})
df_dif_mean_all = df_dif_mean_all.T
Packaging | Presentation | Taste | Texture | All Scores | |
Member | |||||
AC | 0.43 | 0.33 | 0.49 | 0.39 | 0.41 |
AE | 0.45 | 0.41 | 0.56 | 0.39 | 0.45 |
AJ | 0.44 | 0.30 | 0.60 | 0.35 | 0.42 |
CE | 0.35 | 0.48 | 0.56 | 0.44 | 0.46 |
CJ | 0.47 | 0.41 | 0.74 | 0.45 | 0.52 |
EJ | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.68 | 0.40 | 0.47 |
# by snack
idx = pd.IndexSlice
df_dif_taste = df_dif.unstack('Category').loc[:, idx[:, ['Taste']]].droplevel(axis='columns',level=1)
df_dif_taste_max = df_dif_taste.agg(['idxmax']).applymap(lambda x: x[2])
d_dif_taste_m = df_dif_taste.T.droplevel(axis='columns',level=[0,1]).unstack().to_frame()
d_dif_taste_m = d_dif_taste_m.reset_index().set_index(['Member','Snack']).sort_values(by=[0],ascending=False)
display(d_dif_taste_m.reorder_levels([1,0]).groupby('Member').apply(lambda x: x[-4:-1]).droplevel(axis='rows',level=2).rename(columns={0:'Taste Score Least Diff (Sample 3)'}))
display(d_dif_taste_m.reorder_levels([1,0]).groupby('Member').apply(lambda x: x[0:3]).droplevel(axis='rows',level=2).rename(columns={0:'Taste Score Most Diff (Sample 3)'}))
Taste Score Least Diff (Sample 3) | ||
Member | Snack | |
AC | Hard MtnbDew Baja Blast Zero Sugar | 0.0 |
Oishi Orange Candy | 0.0 | |
Croccantelle susto Pizza | 0.0 | |
AE | Chokis Chocobase cookies | 0.0 |
Yoyo Cola Jelly Pieces | 0.0 | |
Loacker Classic Cocoa & Milk Wafer | 0.0 | |
AJ | Swizzlers Refreshers Lemon Flavor | 0.0 |
Hard MtnbDew Baja Blast Zero Sugar | 0.0 | |
Cleeves Original Toffee | 0.0 | |
CE | Buondi Motta Cioccolato cake | 0.0 |
Cabury BOOST | 0.0 | |
Manora Fried Pumpkin Chips | 0.0 | |
CJ | Cleeves Original Toffee | 0.0 |
Rap Snacks Rick Ross Sweet Chilli Lemon Pepper | 0.0 | |
Rap Snacks Lily Baby "All In" Flavor Salt & Vinegar, BBQ, Onion, garlic, and more | 0.0 | |
EJ | Buondi Motta Cioccolato cake | 0.0 |
Cadbury Snack! shortcake | 0.0 | |
Rap Snacks Lily Baby "All In" Flavor Salt & Vinegar, BBQ, Onion, garlic, and more | 0.0 |
Taste Score Most Diff (Sample 3) | ||
Member | Snack | |
AC | Parle kismi candy | 2.00 |
Pocky Sumer Paradise Peach Lychee & Elderflower | 2.00 | |
Jaffa Cakes "The Original" | 2.00 | |
AE | Big Roll Seaweed | 2.90 |
Bear Paws Pattes d'ours | 2.50 | |
Big Sheet Seaweed Spicy | 2.50 | |
AJ | Cadbury crunchie chocolate bar | 2.50 |
Chokis Chocolatoasas y Deliciosass | 2.25 | |
KitKat Chunky (with french on it) | 2.00 | |
CE | Cheetos Masala Balls | 2.50 |
Big Sheet Seaweed Spicy | 2.50 | |
Ruffles "All Dressed" | 2.20 | |
CJ | Parle kismi candy | 3.00 |
Lacta Oreo Bar | 3.00 | |
Cadbury crunchie chocolate bar | 3.00 | |
EJ | Cabury Fudge | 3.00 |
Big Roll Seaweed | 3.00 | |
Cucumber Lays | 2.80 |
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,5,figsize=(10,3))
fig.suptitle('Snack Club 2023 Score Similarity', fontsize=24)
fig.supxlabel('Member Pair', fontsize=18)
fig.supylabel('Average Score Differences', fontsize=18)
keys = df_dif_mean_all.columns # preserves order
targets = zip(keys, axs.flatten())
colors = ['blue','green','red','purple','cyan']
for i, (key, ax) in enumerate(targets):
dfg = df_dif_mean_all[[key]]
dfg = dfg.reset_index().reset_index()
color = colors[i]
dfg.columns = ['index','Member Pair', 'Average Difference']
ax.scatter(dfg['Member Pair'],dfg['Average Difference'],
ax.set_title(f"{key}", fontsize=18,
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.7,bottom=0.2, hspace = 0.3, wspace = 0.3)
df_tp = pd.DataFrame()
df_tp['Taste - Pres.'] = df['Taste'] - df['Presentation']
df_tp['Taste < Pres.'] = df['Taste'] < df['Presentation']
display(df_tp['Taste - Pres.'].groupby('Member').mean().rename('Taste and Presentation Difference, Average').to_frame())
display(df_tp['Taste < Pres.'].groupby('Member').apply(lambda x: f"{x.sum()/x.size*100:.1f}" +'%').rename('Tasted Worst Than Looked (%)').to_frame())
display(df_tp['Taste - Pres.'].groupby('Snack').mean().sort_values().rename('Taste and Presentation Difference (avg by memb.), Top 10')[0:10].to_frame())
Taste and Presentation Difference, Average | |
Member | |
A | 0.38 |
C | 0.17 |
E | 0.41 |
J | 0.02 |
Tasted Worst Than Looked (%) | |
Member | |
A | 22.4% |
C | 29.9% |
E | 30.6% |
J | 35.4% |
Taste and Presentation Difference (avg by memb.), Top 10 | |
Snack | |
Oreo Oolong + Peach | -1.70 |
Keraso Pitaki cherry pie | -1.64 |
Rowntrees Random fruit snacks | -1.44 |
Old Dutch Ketchup Flavored Potatoe Chips | -1.36 |
Croky Bicky flavor Chips | -1.32 |
Rap Snacks Lily Baby "All In" Flavor Salt & Vinegar, BBQ, Onion, garlic, and more | -1.25 |
Choclitos Limon chips | -1.15 |
Lacta Oreo Bar | -1.06 |
DeliChoc Choco'Bar | -1.05 |
Treat Burst Choco Fills | -1.00 |